Your Time, Your Fax
Every day, billions of people across the globe scatter through their homes, the streets, their offices, their schools, etc to get to where they need to be.
Something is of value here, and that’s their time. Tardiness could mean missing a crucial deadline for a class project, determining whether you will graduate college or not.
It can cost you your job if you miss that mandatory meeting that could dictate the future of your whole career. It could cost you your life if you don’t seek the medical help you have needed for months, and all of a sudden it’s too late.
Can you afford to take such drastic risks when it comes to your time and its value?
The business world experiences similar scenarios in its world each day, one of these areas is faxing, message critical documents.
Although these fax documents could mean life or death for that medical patient, they also control a mirage of business instruments from purchase orders to mortgages even court documents.
Now with the advent of VoIP transmission many businesses are tired of not being able to trust Fax as being a reliable means of communication to get crucial pieces of information across to intended recipients or even receive those documents themselves.
Take T.38 for example. It was primarily designed to a reliable means of transport for all faxing needs, but this protocol is was and is designed for use on a closed network and once it was put in the environment of the open internet; fax customers were left disappointed, frustrated and angry over their fax transmissions when experiencing interruptions or failed deliveries.
Their time, in essence, was wasted waiting for these to go out or come back to them, and what off the person waiting for that all important lab report sitting in a bed of a rural hospital in the emergency ward waiting for those results.
Why with today’s technological advances are there still delivery issues?
T.38, this protocol experiences frequent packet loss and jitter, causing latency and dropped faxes. While this works well in a closed environment, technology has rapidly updated itself and when applied to VoIP on the open internet the challenges compounded and grew as has user frustration.
One just has to take a minute and read the challenges documented on the SIP Forum to realize the inherent problems with T.38.
And most people will agree there is little to no time left to be misused. That big project, that big career decision, that life that is hanging by a thread, all of those scenarios could be avoided if only there was a reliable solution that took into consideration the value of our time.
It is time to make HTTPS fax your choice for reliable secure fax delivery.