Login Access to eFax platform – RESOLVED
Monday September 12th 3:00 PM PDT – The login issue on the eFax Corporate platform has now been resolved. Vendor technicians will be actively monitoring the system to ensure full operation continues. We do apologise for any inconvenience this outage caused. No RCA has been provided.
Monday September 12th 2:25 PM PDT – Login issues persist on the eFax Corporate platform. However, vendor technicians are actively fix the system. We’ll provide updates as we get new information. No ETR has been provided.
Monday September 12th 11:50 AM PDT – Please be advised we are seeing intermittent web access issues affecting the eFax Corporate platform. This is not impacting our Zoom App nor ATAs connected to the eFax system. No other services are affected. Vendor technicians are working on the problem but full functionality has not been restored. We’ll provide updates as we get new information. No ETR has been provided.